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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 11/08/2007
Lenox Community Preservation Committee
November 8, 2007

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Midge Sandlin (MS), Andrea Winter (AW), Joe Strauch (JS), Scott Pignatelli (SP), Joseph Kellogg (JK) and John McNinch (JM).  Olga Weiss (OW) was absent with notification.  

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.

RS, Chairman, opened the meeting at 6:03 PM.   

RS stated that the committee needs to establish an application process.  Discussion ensured regarding when to begin the application process.  Members agreed that we should prepare the application and plan in the next few weeks so there is the option of making recommendations to Annual Town Meeting – 2008.  

RS believes the application should be flexible to encourage a variety of applications.  We need to know who, when and why.  JK stated he liked the Kingston application - a more formal format – but maybe it is too much and we should be flexible.  AW said that it is good to be flexible but to be consistent we should have a one page form.  She would like to know matching grant information.  JK suggested that we should know organizational structure, project time-frame and project budget. He is concerned about small organizations that need to do fundraising.  He questioned if matching funds should be in place to receive CPA funding.  He is concerned that the town might fund a project that cannot be completed due to unsuccessful fund raising efforts.  JK offered to research this topic.  

Discussion ensued regarding application format and accepting emailed applications.  It was agreed that the application form should be available on the town website and as a hard-copy at Town Hall.  Members discussed if emailed  applications should be accepted.  It was agreed that 10 copies of the complete applications should be submitted to the committee.   JK said that there was a recent ruling regarding CPA funds for park improvements.  To use CPA funds for park improvements – the park had to be purchased with CPA funds.  RS said he would prepare a draft application form and email it to the members for review.  He asked that members review the draft application by the next meeting (11/28/2007) so we can finalize the document at that meeting.   

There was discussion regarding the various Community Preservation plans.  It was agreed that much of the information is boiler-plate from the CPA enabling legislation.  MA agreed to put together a draft document.  She will assemble the boiler-plate wording and an outline for input from town boards and commissions and email it to the members as soon as possible.   Committee members agreed to discuss community needs with their various boards and commissions prior to the November 28th meeting and be prepared to offer input on this topic.  

Motion made by AW to approve the October 29, 2007 minutes and JS seconded - all members in favor.
JK made a motion to adjourn at 7:00 PM and AW seconded - all members in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Albertson, Town Planner
